Hi there. I’m Katherine.

Motivated by a passion for problem-solving, I aim to explore how people engage with the world, extract meaningful insights from data, and advocate and design solutions for more accessible and intuitive human-centered experiences.

Check out my previous work below

Interfaces UX Research

Nutanix UX Research

Exploratory mixed-methods research that aims to demystify how users choose to engage with Nutanix products.


UI Design @ Columbia User & UX Research, Design

A website that makes planning social hang outs with friends more efficient and less stressful for students.

Perceived Similarity on Collaboration

Barnard Social Interaction Lab Quantitative Research

An investigation on how initial perceived similarity sets the stage for future collaboration.

Journaling Documentation & Customization Practices

Barnard Design Tools Lab User Research

An investigation on analog journaling practices to inform how digital tools can better support user personalization & documentation.

coming soon…